Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Ways In Which To Go About Choosing The Right Landscaping Company

Everyone knows that by landscaping your garden will make it much more attractive and pleasing to the eye. A properly planned and implemented landscaped garden will provide benefits to you over the years to come and choosing the right company to carry out the landscaping of your garden is the biggest factor you have to consider if you wish to redevelop or redesign your garden in the future.

There are a few simple points that must be considered when looking to employ a firm to landscape your garden and these are provided below.

Firstly it is well worth you making a plan of your own ideas of what your want your garden to look like. Place these ideas on a sheet of paper and decide on what items you want to include in the landscaping i.e., patio or decking areas, pools or ponds, vines, trees, shrubs etc., and the colours that you would like to use. Then start looking at what landscaping companies are local to you. But not everyone will have an idea of how they want their gardens to look so the help of a professional landscaping company is a must for such people.

Next you need to look at these companies and see what services they can provide you can accomplish by searching online or by using an online/offline landscaping company directories. It may even be wise to speak to family and friends to see if they have any details of any good landscaping companies in the area.

Once you have gathered all this information you need to contact the company direct and if you have your own ideas of what you require for your garden then ask them if it is possible to draw up plans for you to see. Also arrange to meet with the contractor prior to setting up a contract; you dont want to be working with someone who is not taking notice of your opinions or ideas that you have to offer.

Always make sure that the company you are using has the right credentials and has the correct authorizations from the local authorities in your area to carry out these kinds of works. Ensuring that they hold all valid licenses, certificates and that their company identification number is correct.

Find out how long the company has been existence for. A company which has been in existence for a long time will have the knowledge and experience required for doing these works and will obviously be able to interpret your requirements better.

If at all possible ask if you are able to visit locations where they have previously carried out landscaping work and go and inspect it for yourself. If at all possible speak to the owner of the property where the works were carried out for their views on the company and how well they carried out the work from them. If they kept to the budgets and time scales offered to that client. Plus ask them about the companys employees appearance and attitudes whilst carrying out the works also.

Always ask the company to provide you with assurance that provide the required maintenance to the landscaping they have done to keep it looking as good as the first day. You should easily be able to get information on the maintenance that these companies offer as well as speaking to the clients they are already working for.

Always ask them to provide you with a legally valid agreement for the work that they will be carrying out you do not want to end up paying more than was originally agreed upon and this should be signed by all parties concerned. The agreement should contain details of all plants being used, the proposed design as well as all materials that are required to complete the works, along with terms of payment, how long the work will take; maintenance terms, guarantees and the total cost of the project from start to finish.

Hopefully the above points will help you in finding the best possible landscaping company to carry out such a major project at your home and provide with a beautiful and attractive garden upon completion.

Allison Thompson a work from home mum living in Spain with over 15 years experience in the property management field. She has set up a number of site relating to property matters as well as being the partner in a small real estate company. The sites she has set up deal with all aspects of property and how to make the most of what you have both inside and outdoors. The latest site she has added relates to Landscape Gardening and if you would like to know more please visit Blog26164
Casie Blog7074

Earning Thousands By Affiliate Selling

Affiliate selling online can make you the ultimate virtual sales representative. You can literally sell any product on the market today to consumers all around the world. With aggressive techniques, you can earn thousands in commissions without leaving the comforts of your own home.

An affiliate seller is like a traffic director of merchandising. He/she signals the oncoming consumer traffic to the companies that supply the products in which they are searching. Consequently, when a sale is made from your directed or redirected traffic, you get a commission of the sale. Thousands of Internet businesses utilize this every dayseven days a week and 365 days of the year. But is it as easy as it sounds? Absolutely!

The majority of major online companies offer affiliate marketing and commission programs and each and every one of them will, no doubt, welcome you in assisting in getting their products to the public. Many have either established their own affiliate program or use affiliate companies such as Commission Junction and LinkShare. Check out the online companies that want you to work for them. Amazon is practically the most popular online marketplace in the world. Known as the go to place to find books, Amazon sells everything from beauty products and apparel to electronics and power tools. Amazon supplies a comprehensive section for its affiliates. The site is Once you sign up, Amazon supplies you with a tool (on their website) in which any affiliate (Amazon refers to them as associates) can create attractive links to the specific product you wish to advertise. Furthermore, Amazon will supply affiliates detailed information on the items sold through the efforts of the associate. and Both of these companies are powerhouses in retail sales all across the United States. They have managed to build corporate presences due to their versatile ability to supply customers with the opportunity of one stop shopping. They are attempting to establish the identical, powerful, virtual presence on the Internet as well. Both companies offer affiliate programs as well. Unlike Amazon, Wal-Mart and Target offer their commission program through the LinkShare Network with commissions up to 7% of total sales referred. You can sign up by going to the homepage of each store ( and and clicking on the Affiliate Program link at the bottom of the page.

Commission Junction Commission Junction is the service many of the large corporations utilizes to manage their affiliate programs. Commission Junctions companies include, but arent limited to,, (Home Shopping Network),,,,,,,,, Tommy Hilfiger, The Home Depot and Yahoo! What this means is that there is absolutely no product you cannot represent. If you want to be a travel agent, try Expedia, Marriott and Travelocity. If you like electronics, there is Dell and Best Buy and many others. The only limitation to your ability to sell is you!

Affiliate sales are tracked by a code that is embedded in each link you build from the corporate affiliate program website. This code verifies exactly what link the potential client was referred. If the link on your page redirected a consumer to buy from the corporate website, you are credited for the sale and commissions are figured.

Copyright (c) 2006 Diane Hughes

Diane HughesAlisha Blog97492
Carlota Blog14431

How to Build a Mediation Presentation That Will Make an Insurance Adjusters Sphincter Tighten

I arrived to help my client prepare for his upcoming mediation. The first thing he did was show me all the wonderful family photos he had of his client and her husband, the decedent.

My guy was the perfect plaintiff, the attorney began. Spent tons of time with his kids. He was the one who took them to school most every morning, he coached all their teams. An elder in his church. Loved by his neighbors. A consummate professional. His wife is a great witness. And this, he said pointing to the autopsy photos, is what happened to him. Were going to ring the bell on this one.

I viewed the photos silently, but all I was thinking was, So what?

So what?


Yes, so what? These photos, the stories, the personification of the deceased all have their place in a trial. In a mediation, its slightly different. Were not playing to jurors. Were playing to the person who holds the purse strings. The insurance adjuster. Does an insurance adjuster care that your young client was Phi Beta Kappa? Not likely. Is an insurance adjuster emotionally affected because your clients legs were burned off him while he sat half in and half out of the SUV that had just rolled over on him? Doubtful.

Insurance adjusters have seen the worst of the worst. They see horrific injuries every day. They see perfect plaintiffs every day. It doesnt move them. What do insurance adjusters care about?

Insurance adjusters care about one thing more than anything in the world, even more than money.


When an insurance adjuster is listening to and watching a mediation presentation by a plaintiff, she is asking herself, What is my downside here? What is my risk level? And she is constantly weighing the risks of going to trial versus the costs of settling with money that the insurance company would prefer to hold on to for a little longer.


When you start putting together your mediation presentation, instead of asking, Whats great about my case? ask yourself, If I were the adjuster, what about this case would freak me out?


Their Witnesses and Documents

The first answer is bad defense witnesses. Since lawyers in generaland busy defense firms in particulartend to do a terrible job of prepping witnesses before deposition, it is imperative that you videotape all key defense witnesses: company witnesses, doctors and even experts. If you are in the habit of videotaping everything, good for you. If not, now is a good time to get in that habit.

As much as possible, tell the story using defense witnesses. Pull out the parts of depositions that show blazing incompetence, indifference or best yet, bad motive. As much as possible, include documents generated by the defense to bolster your case.

Adjusters dont typically see witness testimony before trial. If theyve got some awful witnesses, make the adjuster painfully aware of it. Start and end with their horrible witnesses.

The Timeline

Sure, a timeline is always helpful for audience comprehension. But in the mediation presentation, you want to use the timeline to highlight points in the process at which the defendants could have made different choices that would have spared the plaintiff his fate. Did they hire against policy? Fail to train? Decide not to inform the customer base of a potentially fatal flaw in the safety product? Put it in the timeline.


Of course your plaintiff needs to be included in the presentation. Doing so serves two purposes: 1) it shows the other side that either your client is a gem (or perhaps that in this venue it wont matter if he isnt); and 2) its good client relations. But the plaintiff should be a coda, just a quick notice to the defense that they wont be able to score big on your guy.

The big dollars dont lie in the beauty of your plaintiffs life and the tragedy of his loss. The big dollars lie in the adjusters uneasiness about the risk. And if you can get the adjusters sphincter to tighten, her hands may well loosen.

Bob Gerchen is a nationally-known jury consultant, author and former actor who helps lawyers communicate with people in the courtroom who don't have law degrees through consulting, books, newsletters and seminars. To sign up for his free Courtroom Presentation Tips newsletter, go to Bob can be reached at 1-877-863-0909.Carissa Blog19929
Aila Blog86872

What You Need to Know about iPod Movies

iPod devices that are equipped with video players must have the movies from their original format converted to one that can be read and played by the iPod movie player system. This means that the movie can either be downloaded from an iPod-friendly site such as the Apple iPod Store or another website dedicated to iPod music and movies, or the user must purchase the appropriate conversion software. Most of the iPod movie conversion systems can convert most types of movie files such as AVI, MPEG, WMV, MOV, MP4, RM, RMVB, H.264, VOB or DivX formats into the MPEG-4 video format that the iPod uses.

In addition to just converting the format, the system must also match the resolution of the iPod movie player. The typical resolution for the iPod display screen is 640 by 480 for optimum viewing and clarity of picture. Without the appropriate software conversion, the picture would be highly distorted. Other resolutions are possible and the software application will usually optimize the file for viewing, selecting the appropriate resolution.

There is also a great program offered by Apple, called QuickTime 7 Pro, that allows you to use home videos and videos that are not professionally made and convert them to play on your iPod, just like an iPod movie that you can download. This is a great way to personalize your iPod video, or send a home movie to a friend or family member.

The process is simple: start by downloading the QuickTime 7 Pro from the Apple website. If you have a Mac computer, simply upload your movie to your computer and click on the title of the movie in the drop down box found on the QuickTime program menu. If you have a PC, upload the movie from the device as per the manuals and then save it in the QuickTime file. Once the movie is selected you will again need to use the drop down box and select the export feature, then click on Movie to iPod and let the computer do the rest.

A scrolling bar will keep you informed of the transfer process and will allow you to see how much more time is required for the transfer to occur. You will then need to synch the iPod with the computer to play the movie the first time, then it will be stored on both your computer and the iPod for future use.

The vast number of iPod movies and the ease of using the conversion software means that more people, even those that are not experts on the computer, can easily keep their favorite movies as well as their favorite songs close at hand on their iPod.

Terry Roberts is a professional translator and linguist, with a wide range of interests. To read more about ipods and ipod accessories, please visit his website: Blog6285
Ameline Blog98653

Increase Your Muscle Mass With Digestive Enzymes

If you could find out about a way to get much more out of the food you are already eating, allowing you to gain muscle weight at a faster rate, would you be interested?

If you could find out how to not feel as bloated, gas-y, or down-right "heavy feeling" in the stomach after eating a meal, would you want to know?

If you could find out an easy way to help your body better use the protein, carbohydrates, and fats you already eat help you build more muscle mass / gain muscle weight, how would you react?

No. This isn't some sales pitch. This is for real.

What I'm talking about are Digestive Enzymes.

Digestive enzymes come in pill form, and can be bought in just about any grocery store, pharmacy, or supplement store (which should be your last resort).

When we eat or drink a meal / shake / liquids, the body uses digestive enzymes that it makes on its own to break down and digest the food.

Now, here's the kicker.

Being imperfect humans, our digestive systems don't necessarily work to its maximum capacity.

Or, many times our body doesn't make enough of a certain enzyme, which results in you not being able to properly digest your food, which causes your muscle weight gains to slow down.

For example, take a look at people that suffer from lactose intolerance.

The reason why these individuals can't have any dairy products is because their bodies has stopped producing enough or any of the digestive enzyme called Lactaid.

Lactaid is the enzyme in the body that specifically breaks down dairy products.

However, if that person were to take the Lactaid enzyme in pill form, they could now digest and enjoy dairy products.........instead of having really bad gas and having to go to the toilet every 3 minutes.

Now, there are different enzymes for different foods / calories.

I'm not going to sit here and list all of them, since there are many.

But I am going to tell you of the 3 that you definitely need to know about, and that I'm going to recommend to assist you in your muscle mass building goals.

(Hey, if you are spending money on food, and are breaking your back in the gym, you should also be making sure you are getting everything out of what you eat).

There is an enzyme pill called Pancreatin.

In this one pill you will find that it contains 3 very important enzymes......

Protease, which helps break down protein............

Amylase, which helps break down carbs / sugars / starches........


Lipase, which helps break down fats / lipids.

If you think about it, that's what everything we eat consists of......protein, carbs, and fats.

Many times we feel that we aren't getting the most out of our food, so in response, we'll eat more, but sometimes all that does is aggravate the problem.

If your digestive system is already having a problem digesting a certain food / nutrient, eating more of that nutrient isn't going to make it any better.

But if you were to take the enzyme, you may be able to get a bigger punch from the food you eat, which will quicken your muscle weight gain.

Your body will be able to handle, break down, and digest what you are giving it, and better utilize it for what really matters, building muscle mass.

So, try it out, it just might be what you need to take your muscle weight gain to the next level.

Copyright 2006 Jonathan Perez

Jonathan PerezBernie Blog72467
Andra Blog57167

Secured Online Loan: Quick And Trusted Way Of Borrowing Money

Obtaining a loan is not a very difficult task but availing the right deal is surely one. Even if all the criteria are fulfilled, still the main point of thought is the availability of the loan. Is the loan available easily? Is it approved quickly? As an answer to these questions, there is a secured online loan that can remove all this worry from the borrowers mind.

A secured online loan is a multi-purpose loan which can be used for any purpose for the borrower. It can be used for home improvement, debt consolidation, car purchase, wedding expenses, college education funding etc.

The security for the secured online loan is any asset like a house or a car which is placed with the lender. The amount approved is proportional to the equity of the collateral.

While looking for a secured online loan, the criteria of selection should be the low rate of interest. Because of placement of the collateral, the borrower can demand a low rate of interest. The borrower can select the lowest rate deal from the numerous options that are available online for the secured online loan.

Through secured online loan, the borrower can take up an amount of 5000-75000. Due to the loan being secured, the repayment term of the online loan is long ranging from 5-25 years. The borrower should take the loan according to his repayment ability so that he is able to repay the loan as early as possible.

Secured online loan provides a lot of benefits to the borrowers like:

* Easy accessibility
* Numerous deal options to choose from
* Very low rates due to competition

Borrowers having a bad credit history can also apply for secured online loan. As security has to be pledged, the lenders do not have to undertake risk while giving them money as secured online loan.

Secured online loan is the best choice in loans when the borrower is ready to pledge collateral. He can avail maximum benefits by going for this option of secured online loan.

Andrew Baker has done his masters in finance from CPIT. He is engaged in providing free, professional, and independent advice to the residents of the UK. He works for the ukfinanceworld. For any type of Secured online loan, loan, loans, unsecured loans, secured loans, debt consolidation loan, mortgage, remortgage visit Blog75189
Ada Blog80540

To Secure Or Not To Secure...

If you're thinking of taking out a loan there are a number of options that are open to you, although this will depend on your circumstances and your credit rating. For those that own their own homes, have some level of equity in the home, and have a good credit rating there are both secured and unsecured loan options available. But is it a good idea to secure a loan against your home if you have the option of secured on unsecured?

Some people may not have any option other than to go for a secured loan, such as those with a bad credit rating. If you have bad credit then the chances are that you will not be offered any unsecured finance because the risk is too high to the lender. However, if you have equity in your home then there is a good chance that you can get a secured loan, because the collateral that you provide (i.e. your home) acts as security to the lender.

Other people may have no other option than to opt for an unsecured loan, such as those who do not own their own property, or those with no equity in their home. However, in order to get an unsecured loan you will have to have pretty good credit, as otherwise most lenders may reject your application.

If you do have the choice of either a secured or unsecured loan there are a number of factors to take into consideration when making your decision. There are advantages and disadvantages to both types of loan, some of which are outlined below.

Secured loans

- You will usually enjoy greater borrowing power with these loans based on the equity in your home.
- The repayments periods are usually longer, which allows you to enjoy lower monthly repayments.
- These loans are suitable for those with poor credit.

- You will usually need to have some level of equity in your home, which is the difference between the value of your home and the amount outstanding on your mortgage or other loan secured on it.
- You could be saddling yourself with a long term debt and a huge financial commitment.
- Your home could be at risk if you fail to keep up with repayments on your home.

Unsecured loans

- These loans are available to those that do not own their own home.
- There is no risk of losing the roof over your head if you default on repayments.
- These are shorter term loans, and you will therefore be free of your debt more quickly.

- You may not be eligible if you have poor credit.
- The shorter repayment term can mean higher monthly repayments.
- Borrowing power may not be as powerful as with an unsecured loan.

It is important to look at the big picture when looking into loans, and to work out which type of loan is best suited to you based on your needs and your circumstances.

Reno Charlton, award-winning writer, shares her financial expertise as a contributing columnist for and Blog89376
Catlee Blog4926

Minneapolis School District Honors Volunteers

The B.J. Reed Award

Created in 1988, the B.J. Reed Award recognizes the work of volunteers in the Minneapolis Schools. The B.J. Reed Award was named in honor of Batty Jane Reed who founded the Community Resource Volunteer Program in 1965. B.J. Reed was a Minneapolis School educator who went on to be an author, poet and mentor. Originally the Community Resource Volunteer Program was intended to give entertainers, craftspeople, professionals, civic leaders and other working adults the opportunity to share their time and skills by becoming a part of the school curriculum giving classroom presentations. The CRV Program later expanded its focus and became the WISE Resource Volunteer Program. This program aims to have volunteers engaged in various functions across the Minneapolis Schools. B.J. Reed retired in 1981 but continued to be an integral part of the WISE Resource Volunteer Program until her death in 1995. The B.J. Reed Award is given annually to someone who has made outstanding contributions to Minneapolis students and the community.

Lawrence Looking Elk the 2006 B.J. Reed Award Recipient

The Sullivan Elementary School, one Minneapolis School, has gained a great deal from the volunteer work of Mr. Lawrence Looking Elk. Lawrence Looking Elk has become an almost permanent member of the Sullivan School community. The work he does at the school includes, but is certainly not limited to, volunteering in the Media Center, out on the playground during recess and in the lunchroom during breakfast and lunch. Lawrence Looking Elk has established a bond with the parents, teachers and students at Sullivan School. The parents of the school have been overwhelmed by their children love and devotion to Lawrence Looking Elk, who has developed the students trust in him based on his kind, gentle and understanding approach toward them. Lawrence Looking Elk has worked closely with the students in Sandy Chapmans classroom at the Sullivan School. Ms. Chapman attributes many of the scholastic gains her students have made to Lawrence Looking Elk and his work in the classroom. Lawrence Looking Elk has volunteered in the Sullivan Elementary School for three years and donated nearly 3100 hours of his time.

Lawrence Looking Elk is active in other ways in the Minneapolis Schools. He volunteers with many organizations including the Parent Committee for Indian Education, is Chairman of the Indian Education Board, and South High School Site Council (PUSH). In addition to volunteer work with these groups, he vigorously works to raise funds for activities for Native American Students. Lawrence Looking Elks experience from being in the schools and classrooms gives him the insight to know what changes are needed and he has the tenacity to work for the changes in the Minneapolis Schools that benefits all students. Lawrence Looking Elk received the B.J. Reed Award at June 13th meeting of the Minneapolis Board of Education. Last month, Looking Elk was also honored by his colleagues and friends at the Volunteer Recognition Luncheon held at St. Marys Greek Orthodox Church in Minneapolis.

Stacy Andell is a staff writer for Schools K-12, Which provides free, in-depth reports on all U.S. public and private K-12 schools. Stacy has a nose for research and writes stimulating news and views on school issues.Ardenia Blog72137
Brynna Blog61396

The Prescription For Your PCs Health RollBack Rx

Where there is data, there is a threat to its security. More so for very large organizations that need to be ready with disaster recovery measures and return to work as quickly as possible. Maybe you have firewalls, a regularly up to date anti virus program to protect your system and other software that detects spy ware and so on. But time is money. With the RollBack Rx system restore software, which also prevents data loss, you save both! As a snapshot-based approach this software helps you manage the configuration of your systems and lets you save money on PC support. This naturally results in minimizing downtime.

Say Goodbye To System Crashes

Within seconds, RollBack Rx can perform a pc restore, taking you to the exact point where youd like to RollBack. With conventional methods, it takes several hours sometimes to repair computer problems. RollBack Rx is unique in that it can restore computer and user settings, applications and data in spite of a damaged registry. It does not depend on the Windows operating system to function. RollBack Rx works at the disk level, controlling its input/output and makes sure that your system is restored to the desired point within the boot cycle.

RollBack Rx, when installed in your system, does not differentiate between what files to protect. It protects each and every file in your system, so that when it begins to fix computer problems, it recovers full access to your operating system, all your applications, settings and other data. Usually system recovery software programs restrict themselves to protecting the operation system files, hardware drivers or certain system files. They are unable to reach the important files in a crashed state. This obviously ends up in data loss. RollBack Rx, unlike traditional system restore software, does not duplicate or back up any data on your hard drive. It simply takes snapshots, from which you can then choose, depending on which operating state you want to return to.

All Microsoft Windows based PCs support RollBack Rx software. It operates at the sector level and enables both remote and local update. It helps in patch management as well, making it faster and more effective since it has the ability to make a snapshot of the system before the patch was installed, which means making it possible to instantly RollBack to the pre-patch state.

Most computers have anti virus or spy ware protection installed in them. RollBack Rx is compatible with all anti-virus and anti-spy ware applications and software. You can just instruct your RollBack Rx to take a snapshot of your system before or after anti virus updates.

Jacob Henderson is the technical head of Horizon Data Systems and leading software development firm in the business of Desktop Security and PC performance enhancement software. During his more than 10 years of software development experience in various positions, Jacob Henderson has developed a large number of state of the art software and written numerous articles and reports. Jacob Henderson was one of the core team leaders, that is responsible for the development of user integration features of the flagship product of the Company-Rollback Rx Software.Antonietta Blog74797
Brynn Blog43851

How To Use Public Domain Works For Profit

If you are new to marketing online, there are a lot of things you will know in the long run.

But if you are already an experienced specialist, for sure, you are aware that increasing traffic to your website is not an easy job.

You are almost certain that you already know that the search engines are the best and only free way to get additional targeted visitors coming to your website.

This simply means your website needs to have quite a few pages of related content.

The more unique your content is, the more improved your site will be because the principal search engine in the world, which is Google, is the source of the biggest percentage of all search engine traffic and uniqueness is one of the standards they use when taking into account how high your site will rank.

Getting a few articles from some of the ezine article directories will not be as effective as it used to be because you are only copying the content that is likely available from perhaps hundreds of other websites on the Internet.

These content affluent pages are obtainable for everyone to use for a number of reasons, including sellable expansion which is evidently outlined under the Public Domain policies of the United States copyright laws.

Although Public Domains can be useful tools in earning profits, you will need to follow some policies and rules.

The first policy states that you can legally reproduce any part of books, films, art works, and manuscripts in the early years before 1923. Meaning you can copy each and every word in the books which comes from public domain.

Find a public domain book which is relevant and similar to the market that you are targeting.

A lot of experts in the Internet marketing field have used public domains wisely for their websites. After doing so, they have noticed their sales have gone higher and they are getting high traffic from their sites. This is the reason why most web site companies have adopted the strategy to their own sites.

There is software available that you can use that will enable you to make corrections of the pages displayed on your website. You wont really need to check it from the top to the bottom. This shortens your job in checking and proofreading.

You will find out how to come up with hundreds of more article thoughts and ideas every day of the week.

These article thoughts are so influential that they oblige people to read through them and make you free money in the process. That is why a piece of writing is so prevailing. Not only do you get free and high traffic, but you can probably earn thousands of dollars in sales from the development of articles and public domains.

The Quick Page Generator will provide you with the absolutely fastest way to writing a winning article. Whether you believe it or not, there are only two main factors that will determine whether your piece of writing is so good that no other publisher can turn it down or make your piece get thrown in the pile along with the rest. The Quick Page Generator will show you how.

It will also illustrate to you how to write your articles faster than your opposition every time. By the time you finish reading the ebook, you will be trained on how to write influential articles in no less than 45 minutes and that includes the distribution to online publishers.

You will find out how to discover thousands of publishers who have been dying for your radiant articles every day. Publishers are accurately searching for writers and good quality content to launch to their subscribers and good readers.

You will become skilled at how to make the best use of your free traffic. There is really no use in having thousands of people coming to your web site unless you know how to obtain the most from them.

Use the Quick Page Generator and see the wonders. You will never really have to worry about getting your site banned in the search engines either.

For more information on how to produce high quality content for your website, visit

Ian Simpson is the owner of providing powerful software and resources for active internet marketing.Calla Blog92271
April Blog29852

Build A Better Body

As both a writer and writing instructor I often taught the importance of introductions and conclusions; however, it does not do to overlook the body of your article or essay. After all, no matter how intriguing your introduction or how compelling your conclusion is, if the body of your essay falls flat then you will have failed as a writer.

Creating a powerful and effective body for your essay or article is not challenging if you plan carefully, write meaningfully, and revise repeatedly. In fact, if you plan carefully and write meaningfully then you may not have to revise very much, but you should still allow time just in case.

Planning carefully means spending time to brainstorm and mull over the ideas and elements you would like to cover in the body of your essay or article. What topic do you plan to write about? Ask yourself an important question related to that topic and your answer to that question will often become the basis for your thesis statement -- or quite simply the point you are trying to make with this essay or article.

Now that you have identified your main point, or thesis, you can begin to build on this foundation. You must now make a list of three, four or five (although I prefer to use three or five for some odd reason) points you can make to expand or support this main point or thesis.

For example, perhaps you plan to write an essay about why writing is a rewarding career path. So you could make your thesis: Writing is a rewarding career path because it offers professional rewards, financial rewards, and personal rewards.

Now your challenge is to build the body of your essay or article with these topics in mind. If you are writing a short piece then you can simply write one or two paragraphs on each of these three points: professional, financial, and personal rewards. If you are writing a longer piece then you will write a section focused on those three points. In order to develop each section you could then brainstorm three points to make about each of these topics.

For example, writing can help you professionally by serving as a profession in itself, by furthering most other professional fields, and by furthering your education, could all be topics you could explore within the "professional" writing section.

Spending time before you write to brainstorm, plan and craft a solid thesis can help you with your writing and a clear thesis can also help your reader understand what you are writing.

Building a better body for your essay and article does not have to be difficult or challenging, but spending time to plan and execute the body of your piece can make a substantial difference in the outcome of your writing.

Deanna Mascle shares more writing tips with her newsletter at http://WordCraftOnline.comCamila Blog16346
Annaliese Blog97520

Ruby: A Gift Idea for July Borns

Ancient Orientals believed that the ruby contained a spark of life -- "a deep drop of the heart's blood of Mother Earth" Eastern legends called ruby a lamp stone as it was self-luminous. It is said that once an emperor of China lighted his chamber with a large ruby & it glowed as bright as day.

Ruby is the red variety of the corundum mineral, ranks 9 on Mohs scale, sharing status with sapphire as the hardest gem after diamond. It is considered as one of the most valuable gemstone on our earth. With a wonderful color, excellent hardness & an overwhelming brilliance, ruby has been a much desired precious stone.

The gemstone ruby represents the sun, ruler of all planets. Sun represents authority, power, self, body & health. The wearer of ruby enjoys wealth & property, name & fame in the political sphere & overall prosperity. He becomes virile and his will power and spirit is strengthened. He occupies a respected position in the society & is blessed with a son. Ruby is the birthstone for the month of July and also for zodiac sign of Leo. It increases energy levels and will stimulate love if worn close to the heart. It protects sensitive natures, health and wealth, controls passion, stimulates blood circulation, gives calm sleep and takes away nightmares.

The most important aspect about a valuable gemstone is its color. The ruby is found in a variety of crimson and scarlet red colors ranging from pink to a deep ruddy violet color. Red color of the ruby symbolizes fire & blood, implying warmth and life for mankind. If you like to live your life intensely, but find it hard to keep focus, a Ruby can help bring clarity and wisdom.

Their rarity, beauty & hence value, make them best suited for ornamentation. You can find rubies in each category of jewelry such as bracelets, rings, earrings, pendants & necklaces. Engraved Rubies were very popular for attracting wealth and enhancing magical energies. Dragons and snakes were favored figures. A Ruby was considered one of the more important gifts to honor Buddha and Krishna with. Synthetic Ruby stones are quite common and very difficult to tell from natural stones. Only a trained eye can detect the differences in crystalline structures, all other elements are identical.

For a long time India was considered as the classical country of Rubies. In the ancient language of Sanskrit, the Ruby is called Ratnaraj or king of precious stones. The most famous source for natural gem-quality ruby is Myanmar (Burma). Good stones also come from Thailand, Sri Lanka, Tanzania and recently, Vietnam has been a source too. However, Burma remains the largest & best abode for finest rubies.

Sudha Agarwal is a product consultant for For these gift ideas and more, visit for the finest collection of diamond gold & sterling silver jewelry at great prices. You may republish this article only if you include the authors information including all hyperlinked URL.Aila Blog40069
Ailyn Blog9270

How To Select A Successful Affiliate Marketing Company

Affiliate marketing has become one of the most popular methods to make money on the internet. There is thousands of affiliate marketing companies to choose from, which gives you the ability to become an affiliate for a company based around your website. Another advantage to affiliate marketing is the ability to be an affiliate for a number of companies, not just one. So how do you go about selecting a successful affiliate marketing company?

It is wise to select an affiliate marketing company that has to do with your website. Odds are your website is something that interests you, so make sure you select a program that is of interest to you. This will make it much easier to promote and sell something if you have an interest in it.

After you know what type of affiliate marketing company you want to target and promote, you need to research A LOT about the various programs out there. Dig deep and find out what makes one program better than the others. To start you should look at the surface of the company. Ask yourself if it looks professional and if you would buy from them yourself. Does the company know the product and promote it strongly themselves? These are all signs of a successful company from the surface.

Everyone is in affiliate marketing to make money. So the next step is to find the programs that pay out the best and offer the most residual income. It is recommended that you look for a program that pays out no less than 40% of your sales. There are thousands of programs to choose from, so make sure your efforts are being rewarded with a high pay out.

Once you know how much you can make from a specific affiliate marketing company, look into whether or not the company provides you with tools and resources to promote the product. The only way you can be successful in affiliate marketing is if you sell the product, which makes it all the more crucial to have tools to promote the product.

Lastly, it is vital that the affiliate marketing company you select has a place to check your stats. Not only do you need to be able to check your stats, but you need to be able to check them 24 hours a day. After all, the internet never sleeps so why should the stat checking system sleep. If you dont know how youre doing, how are you going to be able to stay motivated?

Selecting the perfect affiliate marketing company for you can be difficult since there are so many choices. However, if you put in the effort to research and learn a little bit about some of the options, you should have no problem selecting a winner. Just remember, there is nothing saying you cant be involved with multiple affiliate marketing programs at once.

Copyright (c) 2006 Mal Keenan

Mal Keenan is editor and publisher of Home Business Tips Newsletter:Ashlee Blog62825
Carmon Blog8362

Changing Trends Lead To Popularity Of Online Education

A 2005 research report states that enrollment in postsecondary distance learning courses has increased from 1.98 million in 2003 to 2.35 million in 2004. Why are so many Americans choosing to earn all or part of their college degrees online? Hectic schedules and time crunches may be part of the reason, but changes in social and work trends also contribute to career changes, and prompt many people to turn to online education.

Layoffs, Downsizing, and Displacement: A Springboard for Distance Learning

With rare exception, we no longer graduate college, go to work, and retire from the same company we originally went to work for. Downsizing, rightsizing, voluntary severance packages, and early retirement all add up to the same thing: Displaced workers who want to return to work, whether in the same or a new line of work. Homemakers displaced due to divorce must often join the workforce, and need to learn or update career skills. In an effort to recover, and sometimes restructure their professional lives, greater numbers of people are turning to distance education.

Quality Education Programs Available Online

If you want to take online college courses, but are concerned about the quality of distance education as compared to traditional classroom instruction, don't worry. A 2005 survey found that 63% of academic institutions offering traditional undergraduate degrees also offer distance learning. In addition 65% of institutions report using primarily core faculty to teach online compared with 62% of core faculty assigned to teach classroom courses. If you want to enhance your t career potential, or train for an entirely new profession, online education programs offer everything from individual courses to graduate degree and certification programs. Make sure the online education program you choose is properly accredited and offers academic and technical support, and then get started on your first online college course.

Karen Lawson is a freelance writer whose professional interests include postsecondary education and academic ethics. She earned her BA and MA degrees in English from the University of Nevada, Reno. Karen is a writer for Blog94489
Alidia Blog87545

Floral Art Tapestries In The Modern Home

If you are interested in adding an elegant touch to your home dcor without losing your contemporary edge, you might want to consider decorating your walls with floral tapestries. These classic works of art use various plants and flower arrangements to convey a timeless serenity, while at the same time allowing one the flexibility of incorporating modern accents into a design theme.

The right still life tapestry can blend seamlessly with a rooms furniture and accessories (such as lamps and other lighting fixtures), while at the same time providing the perfect visual enhancement to offset contemporary surroundings. Floral tapestries have a way of establishing a sense of balance in a room, perhaps because they remind us of an inherent need to be grounded in the natural and organic.

Why Are Flowers Contemporary?

At first glance, its easy to understand why some floral tapestries may almost seem unsuitable for the modern home. After all, many elaborate original tapestries were woven in centuries past and now reside in historical European museums. Cultures all over the world have embraced floral still life art for centuries in different ways, for different reasons.

But one could also argue that it is precisely this diversity of appreciation that has lent itself well to contemporary applications. Keep in mind that modern interior design tends to focus on creating space and light. If you choose a floral tapestry with bright and natural colors, the openness of the contemporary theme is highlighted.

Another way to understand the appeal of floral still life in contemporary culture is to understand the complex philosophical and sociological issues the modern world faces. For many, a floral tapestry can offer a metaphorical glimpse into the human condition. Flowers are often viewed as representing an inescapable frailty, while simultaneously providing a sense of hope and optimism.

A Wide Assortment of Choices

Incorporating floral still life tapestries into your contemporary design theme does not mean that you have to sacrifice individuality when developing a modern feel. In fact, quite the opposite is true.

The open, airy nature of many modern and post-modern themes means that the tapestry you choose can reflect whatever you want it to reflect. There are so many combinations and choices available on the market that you should have no problem finding a piece that not only encompasses your personality and individual style, but also retains the spacious, open characteristics of contemporary design.

The Ivy Column

Consider a portrait such as the Ivy Column tapestry, which combines all the significant elements of contemporary design into a vivid display of ambient surrealism. Sunlight shines on a country house with a stunning array of colorful foliage surrounding it.

The inclusion of the pond in this portrait only further solidifies the sense that all forms of nature are represented in the piece. In essence, this piece has it all that is, something for everyone.

Complexity in Openness

A range of complex personalities can be accurately represented in pieces such as the Ivory Mural tapestry, the Floral Decadence tapestry, and the classic Directoire tapestries. These remarkable works of art manage to capture the bright, cheerful colors associated with many contemporary designs, yet the intricate floral patterns and organic settings are likely to inspire and challenge the thinking persons awareness for years to come.

Beauty in Simplicity

On the other hand, some people believe less is more an equally valid assertion in modern design preferences. The Prestige (Dawn) tapestry and the Prestige (Midday) tapestry are both perfect examples of how the focus on a simple tree can speak volumes.

These tapestry portraits allow the imagination to run wild in the fantasy world depicted by the artists who developed them. The natural landscapes depicted in these pieces exist nowhere in the actual world, yet it is not at all difficult to image that they could. The viewer is drawn in to the simplicity of a single tree, yet the artist manages to capture other faint still life images of birds and plant life in the background. The approach is both subtle and effective.

Combining the Simple and the Complex

Perhaps among the most effective representations in floral tapestries are those which draw upon all of the elements we have discussed. For example, the Classical Rose tapestry is conceptually straightforward in essence, a vase of roses. Upon deeper examination, however, it becomes clear that the artists use of light and choice of background provide a depth and clarity to the piece that touches the soul on a much more substantive level.

Modern Dcor and Floral Tapestries

The elegant yet uncomplicated concept of a flower arrangement has been the motif of many still life artists throughout time. These works have been faithfully reproduced in the tapestry world, and they represent an incredible assortment of selections one can employ when developing a contemporary design theme. Floral still life tapestries can contribute to the bright and spacious nature of modern design, while at the same time providing viewers with an intriguing experience that requires an intensity of concentration to fully comprehend and appreciate.

Copyright © The Tapestry House, all rights reserved.

David Burr writes on a number of subjects for the Tapestry House including floral art.Carlyn Blog71758
Berty Blog7720

The Calm Before The Storm

If you consider all the ways in which companies have to run a business, it is no wonder legal support is so critical. Markets today are highly competitive. The internet has made global competition a reality that years ago we could not have even dreamed possible. With the increased opportunity also comes increased risk. Businesses must have the right information, at the right time to make strategic, operational, and tactical decisions about their business.

Although there are a number of areas within every company that need special attention, two of the most critical are finance and legal. Without surprise, these areas are also the source of potential business risk. Risk is a cost of doing business but for each risk event, a business will need to decide whether they will avoid it, mitigate it or transfer the risk. As it pertains to legal issues some risk issues can be handled within the company, while others will require the support of an attorney. In order to reduce or avoid risk, your attorney must not only be competent in their field but have a firm understanding of your strategic business objectives.

The role of risk in business received even greater attention with the events which led to the creation of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act. The federal regulations around corporate governance coupled with the increase of white-collar crime such as identity theft, computer hacking, and embezzlement have made companies take risk management very seriously. Corporate compliance issues can become overwhelming and complex, which is why a reputable law firm is important. A law firm invested in your success can guide you through processes so you are able to efficiently assess and address risk issues.

As the amount of information we produce increases, data management and security also becomes more important. Your law firm can assist you with becoming better organized around data security issues, and hence implementing risk reduction measures. Data not only needs to be organized but securely stored with appropriate access controls. In response to this risk event, many corporations have began utilizing the services of internet data centers, which house the brain of the company in a secured, temperature controlled, clean, and monitored environment.

Financial risks are always a concern for companies, and can impact all facets of the organization operations, insurance, liabilities, etc. In addition to the traditional concerns of collecting, managing and presenting financial data, companies are also exposed to financial risks in business development. A business cannot grow without undertaking some amount of risk. For this reason risk cannot be managed in a silo by Legal, or Risk Management. An effective risk management plan will align with the overall strategic objectives of the business. Your inside and outside counsel must be partners in this process. While counsel will seek to institute the necessary protections against risk, they must also understand critical business objectives and help the organization to realize them.

Each company will have a risk profile based on their business goals and tolerance for risk. A companys risk aversion or acceptance will vary depending on a number of factors, including industry, size, competitive landscape and level of regulatory oversight. In example a financial institution may be much more risk averse than a printing company. For global organizations, the risks may also vary by location.

Risk management truly requires a partnership approach. Legal, Sales, Operation and The Executive Team must communicate and understand the critical business objectives and work together to make them happen. The legal team should understand not only how to identify risks in practices, operations, processes, technologies, and techniques but also how the risk fits with the overall business plan. Risks are inevitable, but with teamwork and skillful execution, you can successfully navigate the often choppy waters of doing business.

Richard A. Hall is founder and President/CEO of LexTech, Inc., a legal information consulting company. Mr. Hall has a unique breadth of experience which has enabled him to meld technology and sophisticated statistical analysis to produce a technology driven analytical model of the practice of law. As a busy civil trial attorney, he was responsible for the design and implementation of a LAN based litigation database and fully automated document production system for a mid-sized civil defense firm. He developed a task based billing model built on extensive statistical analysis of hundreds of litigated civil matters. In 1994, Mr. Hall invented linguistic modeling software which automatically reads, applies budget codes, budget codes and analyzes legal bill content. He also served as California Director and lecturer for a nationwide bar review. Mr. Hall continues to practice law and perform pro bono services for several Northern California judicial districts.Ardenia Blog72137
Betty Blog94984

Minneapolis School District Honors Volunteers

The B.J. Reed Award

Created in 1988, the B.J. Reed Award recognizes the work of volunteers in the Minneapolis Schools. The B.J. Reed Award was named in honor of Batty Jane Reed who founded the Community Resource Volunteer Program in 1965. B.J. Reed was a Minneapolis School educator who went on to be an author, poet and mentor. Originally the Community Resource Volunteer Program was intended to give entertainers, craftspeople, professionals, civic leaders and other working adults the opportunity to share their time and skills by becoming a part of the school curriculum giving classroom presentations. The CRV Program later expanded its focus and became the WISE Resource Volunteer Program. This program aims to have volunteers engaged in various functions across the Minneapolis Schools. B.J. Reed retired in 1981 but continued to be an integral part of the WISE Resource Volunteer Program until her death in 1995. The B.J. Reed Award is given annually to someone who has made outstanding contributions to Minneapolis students and the community.

Lawrence Looking Elk the 2006 B.J. Reed Award Recipient

The Sullivan Elementary School, one Minneapolis School, has gained a great deal from the volunteer work of Mr. Lawrence Looking Elk. Lawrence Looking Elk has become an almost permanent member of the Sullivan School community. The work he does at the school includes, but is certainly not limited to, volunteering in the Media Center, out on the playground during recess and in the lunchroom during breakfast and lunch. Lawrence Looking Elk has established a bond with the parents, teachers and students at Sullivan School. The parents of the school have been overwhelmed by their children love and devotion to Lawrence Looking Elk, who has developed the students trust in him based on his kind, gentle and understanding approach toward them. Lawrence Looking Elk has worked closely with the students in Sandy Chapmans classroom at the Sullivan School. Ms. Chapman attributes many of the scholastic gains her students have made to Lawrence Looking Elk and his work in the classroom. Lawrence Looking Elk has volunteered in the Sullivan Elementary School for three years and donated nearly 3100 hours of his time.

Lawrence Looking Elk is active in other ways in the Minneapolis Schools. He volunteers with many organizations including the Parent Committee for Indian Education, is Chairman of the Indian Education Board, and South High School Site Council (PUSH). In addition to volunteer work with these groups, he vigorously works to raise funds for activities for Native American Students. Lawrence Looking Elks experience from being in the schools and classrooms gives him the insight to know what changes are needed and he has the tenacity to work for the changes in the Minneapolis Schools that benefits all students. Lawrence Looking Elk received the B.J. Reed Award at June 13th meeting of the Minneapolis Board of Education. Last month, Looking Elk was also honored by his colleagues and friends at the Volunteer Recognition Luncheon held at St. Marys Greek Orthodox Church in Minneapolis.

Stacy Andell is a staff writer for Schools K-12, Which provides free, in-depth reports on all U.S. public and private K-12 schools. Stacy has a nose for research and writes stimulating news and views on school issues.Brook Blog18372
Carlotta Blog34670

Incredible XP Tips You Wish You Knew Before You Read This, Part II

Incredible XP Tips you wish you knew before you read this, Part II

In Part I, I wrote about using short cut keys while using XP. In this edition, I am going to be focusing on the run line. This is sometimes referred to as the start run line.

There are many built-in commands that may be run out-of-the-box. When these tips and tricks are employed, you will find yourself able to move through XP much faster and efficiently.

In order to find the run line (RL), you will need to click on the Windows Start Button.

From there, you will notice the Run command a few lines up from the start button. Click it. You may also you the following combination of keys: "WINDOWS KEY" + r

When you click the Run line, a new dialog box will appear. This is the box where you will be typing in these shortcuts.

Useful RL commands for the novice and end-user:
(These commands are every-day, useful commands that everyone can use)

CAPS Will only work if additional software has been installed


iexplore Opens Internet Explorer
FIREFOX Opens Firefox


calc Opens the Windows Calculator
EXCEL Opens Microsoft Excel
FRONTPG Opens Microsoft Frontpage
msimn Opens Outlook Express
NERO Opens Nero
notepad Opens Microsoft Notepad
OUTLOOK Opens up Microsoft Outlook
pbrush Opens Microsoft Paint
POWERPNT Opens Microsoft Power Point
tourstart Opens the Microsoft Tour
WINWORD Opens Microsoft Word
wordpad Opens Microsoft Wordpad


QUICTIMEPLAYER Opens Quicktimes Player
moviemk Opens Windows Movie Maker
realplay Opens Real Audios Player
wmplayer Opens Microsoft Media Player

freecell Opens Freecell
pinaball Opens Pinball
spider Opens Spider Solataire

clipbrd Opens the contents of the clipboard
control Opens the control panel
explore Opens Windows explorer
logoff Logoff the current user
magnify Opens the magnify utility
osk Opens the on-screen keyboard
printers Opens the printers panel
shutdown Shutdown the computer

*Exploring the computer:

You may also enter simple paths into the RL. For example:

C: Will open the contents of your hard drive
A: Will open the contents of your floppy drive
D: Will open the contents of your CD/DVD drive (usually)
?: Insert a letter for ?, this will open the contents of that

In addition, you may enter a full file path like C:\windows. This will open the windows directory. Also, if you are currently in an explorer window, you may enter an internet address and your default web-browser will open, and vice-versa; You may also enter a local address, such as C:\windows , within your web-browser, and it will open the local path as well.

*Opening Web Pages:

By typing in a web-address using the RL, the default browser will automatically open. There is no need to start the web-browser first.

*Advanced RL commands:

.CPL commands:
(These are commands that open up specific control panels)

access.cpl Accessibility options
appwiz.cpl Add or remove programs
desk.cpl Display properties
hdwwiz.cpl Add hardware wizard
inetcpl.cpl Internet Explorer properties
intl.cpl Regional and language options
joy.cpl Game controllers
main.cpl Mouse properties
mmsys.cpl Sounds and audio device properties
ncpa.cpl Network connections
nusrmgr.cpl User accounts
odbccp32.cpl ODBC data source administrator
powercfg.cpl Power options properties
sysdm.cpl System properties
telephon.cpl Phone and modem options
timedate.cpl Date and time properties

.MSC RL commands:
(These are commands that open up Microsoft Management Console
Snap-ins. Some of these only work with XP Professional)

certmgr.msc certificates
ciadv.msc Indexing service
compmgmt.msc Computer management
devmgmt.msc Device manager
dfrg.msc Defragmenter
diskmgmt.msc Disk management
eventvwr.msc Event viewer
fsmgmt.msc Shared folders
lusrmgr.msc Local users and groups
ntmsmgr.msc Removable storage
ntmsoprq.msc Removable storage operator requests
perfmon.msc Performance monitor
services.msc Services
wmimgmt.msc Windows management infrastructure

There are others as well

*Creating your own RL shortcuts:

There are many ways to make RL shortcuts to applications. Some involve changing the registry and some involve other complexities. The following are the two easiest methods:

Method 1 (easiest, little risk):

1. Create a windows shortcut of the application you would like to
open by using the RL.

2. Save it to the Windows sub-directory. This is usually the
file path:C:\Windows.

3. Now you should be able to open the application using the RL.

Using the method works 99.9% of the time.

Method 2 (a little harder, but still easy in comparison to others,
some risk):

1. Open the control panel and choose Systems Properties.

2. Choose the Advanced tab and click Environment Variables.

3. From the Systems variables section, highlight Path and
click edit.

4. Go to the end of the entry name Variable value: and insert
this: ;c:\shortcuts

***Do not change anything else, or you may cause severe problems
withother applications and their function!


5. In the dialog boxes, click ok, then ok, then ok.

6. Create a directory (folder) called shortcuts in your C:\ ,
root directory. The address line should read, C:\shortcuts when
you open it.

7. Create a windows shortcut of the application you would like to
open by using the RL.

8. Save it to the shortcut sub-directory you just made in the
previous steps.

9. Now you should be able to open the application using the RL.

Obviously, when you understand the above process, you may label and locate the directory anywhere you wish. By using the 2nd method you will be able to organize your shortcuts in a much cleaner fashion.

~J. Pisano (c)2006


Prof. Joseph M. Pisano is the Assistant Chairman of Music and Fine Arts & Director of Music and Fine Arts Technology at Grove City College, Grove City, PA. Bobbie Blog1823
Alyss Blog52675

Hidden Advantages To An Online It Degree

Some people mistakenly assume that a traditional IT program with on-campus classes is somehow more marketable or accepted in the working world. Nothing could be further from the truth. Online educational programs have come a long way in the last ten years and today some of the top schools in the country offer distance education programs through the Internet. In fact, getting an online IT degree can give you some hidden advantages when you actually get out to search for a job.

One hidden advantage of an online IT degree is that it is very job-focused. Many traditional in-classroom degrees are simply not that transferable to the working world. Degrees may take a long time and may focus on theoretical, abstract ideas rather than skills that are readily transferable to an actual job. An online IT educational program, on the other hand, is specifically designed to give you the skills and knowledge you will need in a career. Many faculty members in these degree programs have real-life experience in the field rather than just academic credentials. They really understand the exact skills you need to succeed in the field and are happy to pass these skills onto students. When you complete your program of studies, you will have a number of highly desirable skills that translate seamlessly into a job. With your education, there will be no need to explain how your degree is significant for a job.

Another hidden advantage is that an online IT degree saves you time. There is no superfluous time wasted on abstract theories and less-than-useful subjects. You will not be taking subjects outside of your field simply because they are compulsory. Also, when you enroll in an online IT degree program, you will not have to learn the same things over and over again. Not only might you be able to get credit for courses you have already taken at the college level, but your course of study will also be carefully structured so that you will not be duplicating material. This is one reason why your program may take months rather than many years. At the same time, there will be no social programs and distractions so that you will be able to focus just on getting the degree that will land you an excellent job. It is important to keep in mind that there is no need to feel isolated. Many educational programs hosted online offer plenty of interaction with faculty and other students, so that you can enjoy all the benefits of being part of a learning community.

Students who have already gotten their online IT degree often speak very enthusiastically of their educational experience. That's because this sort of education has many advantages. If you are shy, for example, being able to learn in a virtual classroom is often much less stressful. Many students find that virtual classrooms are also much more student-friendly. The adults who learn in these environments are often very motivated to study and current technology means that learning is interesting and easily accessible. It is also important to note that online learning can be very discreet. No one has to know that you are studying for a new career unless you choose to make that information public knowledge. If you are not ready to tell your boss or your friends about your career decision, they simply do not have to know.

An online IT degree provides the maximum level of flexibility and quality; two traits that most adult learners demand. If you want to enter the IT field, there is no better way to study than to learn at your own pace in the comfort of your own home.

Andy West is a freelance writer for Virginia College. Virginia College Online offers an accredited Online IT Degree program. Please visit Virginia College Online at to select the program that is right for you.Benoite Blog10631
Alaine Blog7726

Home Business Regulations - Do They Apply to Me?

Are you running a business from home? Did you know that you may need planning permission? Here are some questions that you need to ask yourself:

Is your house mainly used as a place to live or is its primary purpose as a business premises?
Does running your home business create a lot of traffic?
Do you have many visitors coming to your home?
Do you have business visitors at unsociable hours?
Are you altering the property in any way by extending it or making structural changes?
Do you employ any staff in your home?
Does your home business create any noise or smells?

For most home businesses whereby the house is only used as a place to receive and make outgoing phone calls no planning permission is required in most cases.

Make sure that you keep your business equipment in a separate room and keep this locked when you are not using it so that it does not cause a hazard to other members of the household.

Ensure that all your wiring and electrical equipment does not pose a hazard especially to small children. Do not overload electrical sockets as this can create a fire risk. Remember to have smoke alarms fitted throughout the house and especially in your office.

If you employ staff and meet a lot of people at home than you need to check with your local authority if this is permissible. They might ask you to make some changes so that your house is deemed safe as a place of work.

Your neighbours might start objecting if you turn a quiet suburb into a busy area with a lot of people coming and going. On the other hand if you receive very few visitors then they are unlikely to object.

A typical example of where you definitely need to check with the local authorities first, is if you run a child minding business from home. They will need to inspect your property and may ask you to make some improvements so that it is deemed to be safe for the children.

Another example of a business that might be deemed to cause a nuisance to the neighbours is if your work involves a lot of noise or smells. A joiner who bangs away with his hammer and tools could easily upset the people who live next door.

Working from home has many advantages including lower start up costs and money / time saved travelling to and from work. By checking with your local authority first and taking out adequate home business insurance you can avoid problems later.

Naz Daud is the Founder of the CityLocal Internet Business Franchise Opportunity.Carine Blog54868
Andra Blog57167

The Start Line Of The FOREX Tradeology

The foreign currency exchange market is available for people from all over the world. More and more people take their first steps in FOREX trading, contributing to its volume and making it viable and easy to use for the ordinary individual, in contrast to only a few years back when only pros, hedge funds, major banks and institutional traders used the FOREX market. The key explanation for this turn of events is the Internet which dramatically increased accessibility. Almost all firms are now offering, free or in return for signing-up, easy to operate software for online FOREX trading.

Traders essential goal in FOREX is to estimate which currency will increase in worth against a different currency, and so getting a hold of a method which helps you to foresee future movements can help you in gaining a nice fortune. Realizing the fact that you are always trading by a ratio between two currencies should clarify the cause for seeing these letters arrangements: EUR/USD, USD/JPY, and GBP/USD etc. The five most important and highly popular currencies are the US Dollar, Japanese Yen, British Pound, Euro and Swiss Franc.

The FOREX market is open 24 hours a day; major firms keep brokers working shifts uninterruptedly so people from all over the world can trade always. This is attributable to the fact that nowadays most trades are carried out through company brokers.

Fear not, you can rest well at nights and even enjoy a day off every once and a while without being logged-on the FOREX market 24/7. All you have to do is give your broker your stop-loss / stop-orders to buy or sell currency once they have reached a certain price, thus preventing major losses.

The FOREX is considered to be a solid market. Nothing like the stock market which is highly unstable, this market is friendly and easy to comprehend. Another plus is that it has high liquidity which grants you the prospects of getting your money in or out at any given time. Be careful though, even when the FOREX seems like a playground to you, please seek your broker or another pro-traders counsel before getting involved in this market unless you have a lot of money to spend that you dont really need. The big boys of FOREX would not care too much about seeing you lose all your life savings.

Mia Milis is an independent trader and provides financial advice regarding foreign exchange to several institutions as well as private individuals. Being an Internet enthusiast, she has taken up to provide advice through her brilliant articles, and in recent years has also founded in order to provide a platform online traders worldwide could share experiences through. Visit Mia at Blog2434
Ardelia Blog8173

Get the Pregnancy Glow

How does pregnancy affect the skin? During pregnancy some women radiate the glow of pregnancy and their complexions even out. The reason for this is because of increased blood circulation and the existence of high levels of the pregnancy hormone oestrogen. A lucky few will continue to reap the benefits of improved skin even after the birth of their baby.

Other women arent so lucky and the added hormones in their blood stream can cause a myriad of skin problems. The pregnancy hormones racing through your body inevitably affect your skin, for some women this can mean problems with their complexion such as acne and chloasma or underlying conditions such as excema may be exacerbated. As your body begins to take on its new shape your skin is stretched and other parts are put under more pressure, problems such as stretchmarks, water retention, swelling, varicose veins, itchy skin and calf cramps may affect you. Pregnancy also makes its mark on your body with peculiar features such as the linea negra.

Suffering from skin problems can be stressful, and stress can make skin problems worse. You must keep in mind that these problems are pregnancy related only and will clear up as fast as they arrived once your pregnancy is over.

Always check the label of any product which you use on your skin during pregnancy, they should display a warning if they are not suitable for use during pregnancy. If youre unsure, check with your midwife, GP or pharmacist.


Some women find that their pregnancy hormones relieve them of acne, for others their pregnancy results in overactive sebaceous glands. These produce sebum which becomes blocked in the pores and results in inflammation in the form of red pimples, common acne (acne vulgaris). Acne can affect the chest and back areas as well as the face.

During pregnancy avoid acne products containing benzoyl peroxide or salicylic acid which have been linked to some birth defects. Instead employ the tried and trested remedies of teenagers: drink plenty of water and keep your skin routine simple. Theres no need to overcomplicate things and risk an adverse reaction to a new product whilst your skin is so sensitive. Stick to a regular routine of cleansing, toning and moisturising and use an exfoliator twice a week to slough away the dead skin cells and freshen your pores. Tea tree oil and lavender oil are great for healing and calming irritations, but use sparingly early on in pregnancy.


The pregnancy hormones oestrogen and progesterone are thought to make the body secrete more melanonin causing uneven skin pigmentation on the chin, cheeks, nose and forehead. This condition is chloasma, also referred to as the mask of pregnancy. The condition is not caused by sunlight, but sunlight does affect the condition and so daily use of a facial sunscreen (SPF25 or higher) is recommended. Simple make-up can disguise the condition.

Chloasma will fade in most women after pregnancy, but in some can continue after the birth. If it does and you are worried, seek the advice of your GP.


Stretchmarks appear in up to 90% of all pregnant women. Some women are more susceptible to stretchmarks than others: for example if you have a genetic pre-disposition to them, have experienced rapid weight gain or loss or are fair skinned. Women who keep their skin hydrated and moisturised shorten their chances of suffering from them. Stretchmarks can appear on the stomach area, thighs, hips, buttocks, breasts and arms, in fact anywhere susceptible to stretching or growth in pregnancy. They appear as silvery, marble like lines of flesh caused by the tearing of the dermis tissues. Stretchmarks are not painful but they can cause an itchy sensation if you do not regularly moisturise them during the period of stretching and growth.

Some women swear that moisturising regularly day and night during and after pregnancy will keep stretch marks at bay. Its certainly worthwhile taking the time to moisturise and massage your skin during pregnancy. Cocoa butter is a favourite of many mums-to-be.

Stretchmarks will fade in time but wont disappear completely, consider them a harmless reminder of your stretchier days.

Water retention

Your pregnant body will probably retain 30% more water in its bloodstream during pregnancy. The basic force of gravity can force this water to collect into the tissues of the legs and feet, where it causes swelling. Sometimes this can be painful. Water retention may not be apparent early on in pregnancy, and is more common in the final trimester. Standing on your feet all day also exacerbates the problem.

To avoid the problems of water retention, do put your feet up as often as you can on a regular basis throughout the course of the day. Massage also helps and is great for relaxing too.

Persistent or severe water retention may be an early sign of pre-eclampsia, seek the immediate advice of your GP or midwife if this happens.

Varicose veins

Oestrogen and progesterone are the culprits here again, affecting the walls of the veins making them more likely to swell and dilate. Varicose veins appear on the legs, mainly in the calf areas. They appear to be essentially exaggerated versions of normal veins: ranging from a small, spidery type appearance to raised, dark purple, thicker versions of your veins. They are usually painless but some women do suffer discomfort with them.

Prevention is better than cure ad leg massage and elevation of the legs is again helpful here. Its important to keep the blood circulating well also and so regular exercise will help to ward off varicose veins. When massaging legs, do so lightly and be careful not to massage directly over the vein itself which may bring about or dislodge a clot.

There are many treatments on the market for varicose veins once they have formed. Your GP will be able to advise on the treatments available best suited to your circumstances, but these include laser treatment and surgical removal.

Itchy Skin

All that stretching of the skin will cause a dry itchy feeling. In its most basic form, itching is completely preventable with a good moisturising routine. We recommend using gentle products to cleanse your skin, a regular but gentle exfoliator, and daily moisturising.

But beware, cholestasis is a condition affecting the liver which causes an increase in bile salts in the skin. Severe itching, particularly on the palms of the hands can be an early warning sign of the condition, so check with your GP or midwife if you are worried.

Pregnancy will inevitably cause your skin to be more sensitive and you may find that conditions which you are predisposed to become more prominent in pregnancy, such as eczema, dermatitis and other common allergies. Always check with your GP, midwife or pharmacist before using products for these conditions when pregnant.

Calf cramps

The extra pressure which your body is put under during pregnancy can sometimes result in calf cramps during the second and third trimester. Light massage of the calf area will help to ease the condition as will gently rotating your foot in circles.

Linea Nigra

This is a truly magical phenomenon of pregnancy. A dark line starting at the pubic bone grows up the fundus throughout your pregnancy reflecting the growth of your uterus. The linea negra generally fades after pregnancy but can stay with women for many years after the birth of their child.

Hot Mama is Bump Magic's style guru. Bump Magic is an online store, information centre and community for pregnant women in the UK. Visit us at Blog50562
Brenn Blog87179

Dotproject Key Features-Find Out What Most Suits Your Project Management Requirements

Managing projects for your business requires you to take care of the multiple aspects at the same time. But you are surely not a machine. So why dont you let a machine handle various aspects of your enterprise while you can concentrate on the core area of your business? Software is the right trick for managing all aspects of your business project with mechanical precision.

What software to use?

This can be a million dollar question in the face of so many free or commercial applications around.

Well, if you are looking forward to a really dynamic management of your projects and that is without making a hole in your pocket, you must consider dotProject for getting rid of all the project management related stresses.

Lets examine what dotProject can do for you with its feature packed solution.

DotProject has been designed to be modular software. As such it allows you to append extra modules for added functionalities depending on your unique project management needs. But the core dotProject framework provides you with ten key features to keep with the philosophy of creating the most user-friendly environment.

* User Management
* Email-based Trouble Ticket System
* Client/Company Management
* Project Listings
* Hierarchical Task List
* File Repository
* Contact List
* Calendar
* Discussion Forum
* Resource Based Permissions

So what can dotProject do for you with all these features?
* These features enable you to easily handle the project management tasks for more than one client at a time.
* It helps you to create, keep tracks, and maintain multiple projects online.
* The software helps you to maintain all your contacts without overlapping the different projects.
* Automatic e-mail notification helps you to communicate with your employees as well as clients in a better way.
* You can keep your eyes on the task progress with Calendar and Events.
* It also comes with traditional groupware features like forums, calendar, and email functionality so that users can collaborate for the purpose of project management.

Adding extra features

For your unique business needs you can always integrate more modules to the default installation framework. If you feel certain features dont go with your project management needs, you can deactivate them.

To get a glimpse of the full range of dotProject modules, check with the Module Descriptions in its website at

If you are an entrepreneur managing a medium or small business the dotProject project management application can be the ideal solution for you. So look for a web hosting package that includes a script for installing dotProject for your account.

Fat Jack Hosting is the Internet Marketers Dream when it comes to hosting. Not only do we have great ongoing 24/7 support, but we understand the small business owner, entrepreneur and internet marketer because we are owned and operated by an extremely successful one. Thats why you get great customer service, tips, strategies and support. Go here right now to get your hosting account>> http://www.fatjackhosting.comBetsy Blog8383
Benni Blog28934

Make Your Site Easy for Your Visitors to Navigate

Site Navigation is a very important consideration of your website design. Your site should be designed so that the newest newbie can thread through your site without getting lost. It is the road map of your site so that your reader knows how to effectively navigate through it.

I had a good laugh the other day while researching this topic when I read that websites should be designed so even your grandmother or grandfather can find their way through it. I laughed since I am a grandfather which indicates that the site must be REALLY easy to navigate. LOL.

What caused me to focus on this subject came from working on a particular website. Like most websites, it started with only a few pages and was easy to navigate. And like most websites, it grew and became more complex which complicated the site navigation.

The original site navigation pattern was a circular pattern where the reader would follow the links from one page to the next until he/she arrived back at the starting page. This works fine as long as there is never a break. However, we all know that during surfing, you have to get up and tend to something or you go off on a tangent to another page. When you return, it is sometimes difficult to determine exactly where you were. If the reader has to follow several page links back to the continuation point, frustration sets in and "click" the reader is gone.

To solve this site navigation problem, a navigation bar was added to the pages on the website.

A navigation bar ("nav bar"), is the basic tool for site navigation. Navigation bars are usually some form of java script. They are text, buttons, or boxes usually placed on the top or left side of every page. This allows the reader to quickly link to the main pages of the site. A feature that is usually incorporated in the nav bar is the nav bar entry for the current page is indicated by a change of color or appearance to show where you are currently located in the site.

Some HTML editors will build your navigation bar for you.When you build a page, you specify if you want the page included on the nav bar and if you want a nav bar on the page.

The best web host builds your nav bar for you. When you create a web page, you are given options if you want the page listed in the nav bar and if so, what the text on the nav bar should say.

As an aside if you have a landing page on your site where you want the reader to take only one action (click to buy or click to subscribe), do not put any external links or a nav bar on that page. You do not want to give the reader a means of escape except to close the window.

If you include the nav bar on each content page, it gives the reader a uniform way to get from the current page to any other main page with one click which is desirable. A theory of site navigation says a reader should be no more than two clicks from any other page.

In summary, always consider how your reader will navigate your site. If navigation is easy, your reader will dig deeper and deeper into your site. If navigation is confusing or difficult, your reader will click away from your site and will not return. Work to make that navigation easy and keep your readers happy. Especially for grandmothers and grandfathers! will help you find the best web host to help you create a site that is easy to navigate.

Copyright 2007 John Howe, Inc.

John V. W. Howe is an entrepreneur, author, inventor, patent holder, husband, father, and grandfather. He has worked with computers for over 44 years. He is an expert in website creation and web hosting. He has published over 60 articles on the Internet covering diverse topics. His website helps people analyze their needs and match those needs to the best web host. He also publishes an ezine for Internet entrepreneurs.Adria Blog99611
Alena Blog78488

6 Danger Signs You May Be Headed toward 'Sales Management' Micro-Management

Do you Choose to 'Supervise' or Elect to 'Organize'? Find out Here.

1) Do you monitor and manage tasks or do you identify and train to essential competencies?

Do you want to know the big difference between due diligence and a core competency?

Here's a classic example:

Collecting 50 business cards per day is an act of data procurement, while training to a 60% conversation to appointment ratio is focusing on an essential component to ensure your sales team's success.

Don't focus on accountability to tasks but enlighten to identification. It's much more important to teach your people the "business" of the business they're in.

If you currently have your sales team accountable to tasks, then you're merely "managing" tasks. In order to become more effective - you should be training on measurement of competencies so your people can 'run their own business.'

2) You measure details not directly related to performance and results.

A telecommunications sales manager proudly told me he requires his sales reps to document '100 dials per day.'

I was shocked when I heard this. I asked him if he was in the 'dialing' business or the 'communication' business.

Think about it for a minute. What does the measurement of 'dials' have to do with performance or results? Can you ever improve your dialing skills?

It's insane to waste time and energy measuring that type of stuff when there are so many other "valuable" things to measure.

The focusing of measurement not related to "performance and results" takes you away from the real dealessential competencies.

In the X2 system 'Show Time' begins with the actual conversation, a measurable competency that we can attach to systems and training for critical improvement.

By measuring these competencies you'll spend less time documenting insignificant information and more time analyzing meaningful business metrics.

3) You attempt to manage your subordinate's 'time'.

During the playoffs, a winning college coach was interviewed about his coaching philosophy

He said:

"You develop the best game plan you can, build systems and processes to help support it, train everyone how to work within it, and then let the players go out and unleash their natural abilities. You let them play the game between the lines."

Makes sense doesn't it?

Most sales reps will be accountable to results if you identify the important competencies required for success. Your job is to supply targeted training with appropriate structures for learning and application, and measure degrees of improvement.

4) You require detailed forecasting beyond your normal sales cycle.

It's hard to imagine a management strategy more toxic than this one.

Because only two things can result and both are disastrous.

Let's say your average sales cycle is 27 days and you require your team to supply a 30, 60 and 90 day forecast. First of all, the forecasts you get won't be very accurate to the actual results. Second, it will probably be resented and considered 'busy work.'

Here's a much better idea:

Set up your forecast to the time within your control - in this case a 30-day rotating calendar. Define a business rule for forecasting accounts on a weekly basis.

Ask empowering questions:

" Has it passed the defined gateways to be included on your opportunity list?

" Have you helped the sales rep 'scrub it' to make sure it's realistic and not pie-in-the-sky?

" Have the proper strategies and tactics been implemented per account to effect a higher closing ratio?

Bring your forecast accountability back within your normal sales cycle for more focus and better results.

5) Do you see yourself as a people manager or a behavior coach?

Attempting to manage people delivers rather poor results. (It really does!)

People usually resent being 'managed'. They feel controlled and naturally become defensiveespecially sales people who are self-starters and consistent producers. That's why experts say to manage to 'required behaviors.' I have always believed in taking it one step further. Here's an example of what I mean. Webster's dictionary defines behavior as 'an act'. You can tell people how to act or show people how to act. I suggest you do this with transferable systems and powerful routines that are in line with the competencies that will improve their results. (You decide)

6) Is your management style the same for self-starters as it is for mediocre performers?

Think about it

Your ultimate goal is to empower ALL your sales people to be self-sustained performers, right? Some people need more help than others - but top producers usually only need to be held to general points of accountability.

My adviceBack off!

If they have a sales drill that works, let them work it. Define your management style and processes in line with performance benchmarks and results.

For everyone else - Diversify your degree of 'hands-on' management in line with routine results and declare those milestones as the road to becoming a self-sustained professional.

Jeff Hardesty is a National sales speaker, Sales performance improvement consultant and the Developer of the X2 Sales System, a blended sales prospecting training system that teaches sales professionals the competency of setting targeted C-level business appointments. Arabele Blog67267
Ann Marie Blog93443

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